Zimmerman studied at the John Herron Art School, Indianapolis, Ind. Among his honors are: first prize, Indiana Artists Exhibition; the Hallgarten Prize, the Truman Prize, the Henry Ward Ranger Purchase Prize, and two Benjamin Altman prizes, NAD; the Salmagundi Club, the Connecticut Watercolor Society; the Boston Arts Festival, MA; and the Berkshire Art Festivall. His works are in such public collections as: the Houston Museum of Fine Art, Texas; the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio; the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut; and the Springfield Museum of Fine Art, Massachusetts. He has taught for many years at the Hartford Art School, the University of Hartford, Connecticut.
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Paul W. ZimmermanANA 1970; NA 19721921 - 2007
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